Light scattering

Light scattering is a form of scattering in which light is the form of propagating energy which is scattered. Light scattering can be thought of as the deflection of a ray from a straight path, for example by irregularities in the propagation medium, particles, or in the interface between two media. Deviations from the law of reflection due to irregularities on a surface are also usually considered to be a form of scattering. When these irregularities are considered to be random and dense enough that their individual effects average out, this kind of scattered reflection is commonly referred to as diffuse reflection.

Most objects that one sees are visible due to light scattering from their surfaces. Indeed, this is our primary mechanism of physical observation.[1][2] Scattering of light depends on the wavelength or frequency of the light being scattered. Since visible light has wavelength on the order of a micron, objects much smaller than this cannot be seen, even with the aid of a microscope. Colloidal particles as small as 1 µm have been observed directly in aqueous suspension.[3][4]

The transmission of various frequencies of light is essential for applications ranging from window glass to fiber optic transmission cables and infrared (IR) heat-seeking missile detection systems. Light propagating through an optical system can be attenuated by absorption, reflection and scattering.[5][6]



The interaction of light with matter can shed light on important information about the structure and dynamics of the material being examined. If the scattering centers are in motion, then the scattered radiation is Doppler shifted. An analysis of the spectrum of scattered light can thus yield information regarding the motion of the scattering center. Periodicity or structural repetition in the scattering medium will cause interference in the spectrum of scattered light. Thus, a study of the scattered light intensity as a function of scattering angle gives information about the structure, spatial configuration, or morphology of the scattering medium. With regards to light scattering in liquids and solids, primary material considerations include:[7]

In the process of light scattering, the most critical factor is the length scale of any or all of these structural features relative to the wavelength of the light being scattered.

An extensive review of light scattering in fluids has covered most of the mechanisms which contribute to the spectrum of scattered light in liquids, including density, anisotropy, and concentration fluctuations.[8] Thus, the study of light scattering by thermally driven density fluctuations (or Brillouin scattering) has been utilized successfully for the measurement of structural relaxation and viscoelasticity in liquids, as well as phase separation, vitrification and compressibility in glasses. In addition, the introduction of dynamic light scattering and photon correlation spectroscopy has made possible the measurement of the time dependence of spatial correlations in liquids and glasses in the relaxation time gap between 10−6 and 10−2 s in addition to even shorter time scales – or faster relaxation events. It has therefore become quite clear that light scattering is an extremely useful tool for monitoring the dynamics of structural relaxation in glasses on various temporal and spatial scales and therefore provides an ideal tool for quantifying the capacity of various glass compositions for guided light wave transmission well into the far infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.[9]

Types of scattering

Static and dynamic scattering

A common dichotomy in light scattering terminology is static light scattering versus dynamic light scattering. The chief distinction is whether the scattering is observed to be changing over time (dynamic) or constant over the observation (static). This terminology is especially commonly encountered in the field of polymer chemistry, though it can obviously be applied to a broad range of situations.

Critical phenomena

Density fluctuations are responsible for the phenomenon of critical opalescence, which arises in the region of a continuous, or second-order, phase transition. The phenomenon is most commonly demonstrated in binary fluid mixtures, such as methanol and cyclohexane. As the critical point is approached the sizes of the gas and liquid region begin to fluctuate over increasingly large length scales. As the length scale of the density fluctuations approaches the wavelength of light, the light is scattered and causes the normally transparent fluid to appear cloudy.[16][17][18][19]


  1. ^ Kerker, M. (1969). The Scattering of Light. New York: Academic. ISBN 0124045502. 
  2. ^ Mandelstam, L.I. (1926). "Light Scattering by Inhomogeneous Media". Zh. Russ. Fiz-Khim. Ova. 58: 381. 
  3. ^ van de Hulst, H.C. (1981). Light scattering by small particles. New York: Dover. ISBN 0486642283. 
  4. ^ Bohren, C.F. and Huffmann, D.R. (1983). Absorption and scattering of light by small particles. New York: Wiley-Interscience. ISBN 0471293407. 
  5. ^ Fox, M. (2002). Optical Properties of Solids. Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN 0198506120. 
  6. ^ Smith, R.G. (1972). "Optical power handling capacity of low loss optical fibers as determined by stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering". Appl. Opt. 11 (11): 2489–94. Bibcode 1972ApOpt..11.2489S. doi:10.1364/AO.11.002489. PMID 20119362. 
  7. ^ Flygare, W H; Gierke, T D (1974). "Light Scattering in Noncrystalline Solids and Liquid Crystals". Annual Review of Materials Science 4: 255. Bibcode 1974AnRMS...4..255F. doi:10.1146/ 
  8. ^ Boon, J.P. and Fleury, P.A., The Spectrum of Light Scattered by Fluids, Adv. Chem Phys. XXIV, Eds. Prigogine and Rice (Academic Press, New York, 1973)
  9. ^ Measures, R.M. (2001). Structural Monitoring with Fiber Optic Technology. Academic Press, San Diego. ISBN 0-12-487430-4. 
  10. ^ Griffin, Allan (1968). "Brillouin Light Scattering from Crystals in the Hydrodynamic Region". Reviews of Modern Physics 40: 167. Bibcode 1968RvMP...40..167G. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.40.167. 
  11. ^ Nave, Rod. "Blue sky and Rayleigh Scattering". Hyperphysics. Georgia State University. Retrieved July 15, 2010. 
  12. ^ I. P. Kaminow, T. Li (2002), Optical fiber telecommunications IV, Vol.1, p. 223
  13. ^ Mountain, Raymond D. (1966). "Spectral Distribution of Scattered Light in a Simple Fluid". Reviews of Modern Physics 38: 205. Bibcode 1966RvMP...38..205M. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.38.205. 
  14. ^ Fabelinskii, I.L. (1957). "Theory of Light Scattering in Liquids and Solids". Adv. Phys. Sci. (USSR) 63: 474. 
  15. ^ Peticolas, W L (1972). "Inelastic Light Scattering and the Raman Effect". Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 23: 93. Bibcode 1972ARPC...23...93P. doi:10.1146/annurev.pc.23.100172.000521. 
  16. ^ Ostrowski, N. in Cummins, H.Z. and Pike, E.R., Eds. (1973). Photon Correlation and Light Beating Spectroscopy. Plenum Press. ISBN 0306357038. 
  17. ^ Demoulin, C., Montrose, C.J. and Ostrowsky, N., (1974). "Structural Relaxation by Digital Correlation Spectroscopy". Phys. Rev. A 9 (4): 1740. Bibcode 1974PhRvA...9.1740D. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.9.1740. 
  18. ^ Lai, C.C., Macedo, P.B., and Montrose, C.J. (1975). "Light-Scattering Measurements of Structural Relaxation in Glass by Digital Correlation Spectroscopy". J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 58 (3–4): 120. doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.1975.tb19573.x. 
  19. ^ Surovtsev, N.V.; Wiedersich, J.; Novikov, V.; Rössler, E.; Sokolov, A. (1998). "Light Scattering Spectra of Fast Relaxation in Glasses". Phys. Rev. B 58 (22): 14888. Bibcode 1998PhRvB..5814888S. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.58.14888. 

Further reading